Bare Metal Cloud provides an infrastructure foundation for implementing DevOps tools and technologies to streamline delivery. With near instantaneous physical server provisioning, Bare Metal Cloud provides an infrastructure foundation for implementing DevOps tools and technologies for streamlined delivery.

Here is a curated list of the top GitHub repositories that let you adapt Bare Metal Cloud servers to your needs and manage them easily.

What Are Bare Metal Cloud Servers?

Bare Metal Cloud (BMC) is a cloud-native dedicated server platform geared toward DevOps organizations. Platform allows for the deployment of non-virtual machines via an API or Infrastructure as Code. BMC servers are ideal for running CI/CD pipelines, testing workloads, or production environments.

There are more than 20 powerful instance types you can choose from. You might start with entry-level or general-purpose instances if you are just starting out. BMC exposes an API that lets you manage your server programmatically. It is possible to deploy up to 100 servers in different locations with just a few lines of code. Terraform Provider For BMC

Terraform, a popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, makes it easy and simple to manage cloud resources via programmatic management. You can use code to deploy and modify infrastructure across multiple cloud providers. You can find more information about how to deploy BMC servers by reading the

Terraform Provider for pnap. The Ansible Module For BMC, another powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, simplifies IT automation. Ansible is popular with developers because it is easy to configure and set up. Ansible allows you to write playbooks, which are blueprints for automation tasks. You can do this in a YAML-based format that is human-readable. BMC includes a BMC-specific Ansible module. This module can be downloaded from the Ansible Collection GitHub repository. You’ll find there also examples of Ansible Playbooks that you can use.

Pulumi provider for BMC official documentation Pulumi has a slight edge over other Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, as you do not need to know another domain-specific programming language. With Pulumi, you can write configurations in familiar programming languages like Python, Go, or Javascript.4. Kubernetes controller for BMCThe Kubernetes Control for BMC has been published as a Docker Image. Visit GitHub to find the detailed instructions on how to install Kubernetes for BMC. You can also see available commands.


GitHub actions for BMC

Ansible allows you to automate code deploys and create CI/CD within the GitHub interface. GitHub will execute the actions for you. You only need to write the instructions. The actions are event-driven, which means that they are run automatically when an event happens. These actions allow you to create, delete and query server instances automatically. Each action comes with its own repository that contains code samples and basic instructions for how to use them.

Script to Deploy Apache Spark on BMC

Apache Spark is an open-source engine that can be used for Big Data Processing. Use Spark to extract valuable insights from large amounts of structured and unstructured data. Spark uses in-memory cache to perform complex computations. This processing method gives you more speed when running batch apps, data streaming, iterative algorithms, and interactive queries.Running Spark workloads on BMC servers can further improve your data processing speeds. Try deploying a Spark Cluster on BMC to test it. This automated script will deploy a Spark Cluster consisting of a master and two workers nodes after you have created a BMC Account.

Script to Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster in BMC


This will take care of all the hard work for you when you want to install an entirely functional Kubernetes Cluster. You can use Python to run the script, and automation will deploy three cloud servers running Ubuntu. The script will also install WordPress for you. Before running the script, ensure you have a BMC Account and your API authentication tokens. For more information on how to get these tokens, please refer to the README in the repository. Chef Knife plugin for BMC

Chef plays a key role in the Infrastructure as Code world. Open-source configuration tool for automated infrastructure provisioning. The tool can be used to provision and manage both on-prem and cloud resources as well as applications.


Kubernetes controller for BMC.

With Chef, configurations are stored in recipes and cookbooks. Chef cookbooks and recipes are the building blocks that define and configure desired environments for cloud providers of all types.

Docker Machine Driver BMC


Docker Machine allows you to set up Docker Engine across multiple virtual hosts. Use

GitHub Actions docker-machinecommands to provision and manage these Dockerized hosts on one or more BMC instances.

To use this driver, you need to have Docker Machine installed on your system along with the Go programming language. You also have to have a BMC account to generate authentication tokens for the BMC API.

Apache Spark Visit the GitHub repo for the Docker Machine driver to learn how to get started and explore available functions.

Ruby SDK for BMC


The Ruby SDK provides all the tools needed to manage and deploy BMC instances using Ruby. The SDK makes it simple to interact with BMC’s API without having to switch to another language. The SDK is available for download as a gem –bmc-sdk.


To make calls to the BMC API, you need to create an account and generate API authentication tokens via the BMC portal. These tokens are the

Client secret, and GO TO GITHUB REPO Client id. Once you’re authenticated, you can run the script to set up the SDK.Join the Bare Metal Cloud CommunityStay in touch with the latest BMC developments by joining the. Join the Bare Metal Cloud Community to chat with BMC developers, submit feedback and request new features. We send you the best tutorials each month from our Knowledge Base.

About The Author

By omurix

XIII. Unidentified Society

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