In 2021, the average number of cyberattacks per company was 270. This is an increase of 31% from 2020. This figure will not decrease in 2022, but is more likely to increase. So preparing for cyber-threats should be on your list of things to do. This article will examine the most common cyber attacks that you may encounter in today’s cybercrime landscape.

What is a cyber attack?

A cyber attack is an attempt to compromise an IT system by an unauthorised third party. The sophistication of attacks and their tactics vary, but they all have the same goal:

Steal important files (personal information, passwords or financial records). and ask for a ransom under the threat of data leakage. Collect valuable data and sell it to the highest bidder (typically on the Dark Web).

Disable computers or disrupt the victim’s network (often to form a launch point for other attacks or get a short competitive edge).

Expose business secrets (such as a patent or code).

Destroy systems and delete data as a form of “hacktivism. “

Steal personal data and commit identity theft (typically with the idea of pulling off an unauthorized money transfer).

A successful cyber attack has a long line of negative effects, including:

  • Financial losses (a single successful attack costs companies an average of $200,000).
  • Data breaches.
  • Permanent data loss or corruption.
  • Loss of user trust.
  • Bad press.Potential legal fines and lawsuits, both common if you lost customer data during an attack.Companies are increasingly investing more in security as criminals get more creative and aggressive with their tactics. Recent reports show that 69% US-based companies are increasing their cybersecurity budgets by 2022. (Over 85% expect budgets to rise up to 50%). The current top areas of investment are:
  • Learn the difference between an attack vector and surface, two overlapping security concepts you must firmly understand to make reliable preparations for malicious activity.
  • Types of Cyber Security Attacks
  • A criminal rarely decides to re-invent the wheel when trying to hack a way into a network. Attackers use tried-and tested techniques that they know to be highly effective. We’ll examine the most common cyber attacks that a third-party might use to compromise your company.
  • 1. Malware-Based Attacks (Ransomware, Trojans, Viruses, etc. Malware-based attacks (Ransomware, Trojans, Viruses, etc.)
  • Malware, also known as malicious software, is malicious software which disrupts, steals, or damages data integrity.
  • Spy on user activity.
  • Disrupt or even render the system inoperable.
  • Hijack control of the target device (or multiple systems on the same network).

While some malware exploits system vulnerabilities, these programs typically breach The malware must install on a target device to become active, after which a malicious script moves past the security measures and performs one (or more) of the following actions:

Most common types of cyber attacks

Deny access to a critical system or data.

  • Steal files.
  • Damage data integrity.
  • Spy on user activity.
  • Disrupt or even render the system inoperable.
  • Hijack control of the target device (or multiple systems on the same network).
  • While some malware exploits system vulnerabilities (for example, an issue with UPnP), these programs typically breach a system through human error, such as when the victim:
  • Clicks on a dangerous link.
  • Opens an infected email attachment.
  • Plugs in a corrupted USB or portable hard drive.
  • Visits an infected website that runs a drive-by download (unintentional download of malicious code onto the visitor’s device).
  • Malware is one of the most common types of cyber attacks and has multiple variations. Let’s look at all the most prominent ones.
  • Spyware

Spyware is a type of malware that spies on the infected device and sends info to the hacker. Most attackers use this tactic to silently spy on user data and browsing habits.

If the target accesses valuable data on a spyware-infected device (e.g., logging into a bank account), the criminal gathers sensitive info without the victim knowing something’s wrong.


Keyloggers are similar to spyware, except that this type of malware spies on what you type into your keyboard. That info enables a criminal to gather valuable data and later use it for blackmail or identity theft.


A computer virus is a malicious program capable of replicating itself by across programs on the target device. If you activate a virus-infected file, the malicious software self-replicates across the device, slowing down performance or destroying data.


A worm is a standalone malware that replicates itself across different computers. Worms move around via a network, relying on security failures to spread and steal data, set up backdoors, or corrupt files.

Unlike a virus that requires a host computer or operating system, a worm operates alone and does not attach to a host file.


Trojans “hide” inside a seemingly legit piece of software (hence the Greek mythology-inspired name). If you install a trojan-infected program, the malware installs on your device and runs malicious code in the background.

Unlike a virus or a worm, a trojan does not replicate itself. The most common goal of a trojan is to establish a silent backdoor within the system that enables remote access.


Adware is malware that displays marketing content on a target device, such as banners or pop-ups when you visit a website. Some adware also monitors user behavior online, which enables the malicious program to “serve” better-targeted ads.

While adware may seem relatively innocent compared to other malware, many criminals use this tactic to display ads hiding files with malicious code.

Fileless Malware

Fileless malware does not rely on executable files to infect devices or directly impact user data. Instead, this type of malware goes after files native to the operating system (like Microsoft Office macros, PowerShell, WMI, and similar system tools).

Fileless malware is difficult to detect as there are no executables, which are the go-to scanning target for network security tools. Recent studies indicate that the fileless approach isup to 10 times more successful than traditional malware.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on a target system. The hacker will then demand a ransom in return for the decryption keys. This is usually done in cryptos. Many people who choose to pay the ransom never receive the promised decryption key. Ransomware code also often corrupts data beyond repair during the infection process, which means the key you receive from the criminal is sometimes useless.

Ransomware is a threat to both individual users and organizations. More tech-savvy criminals prepare malicious packages that attack multiple computers or go after a central server essential to business operations.

Want to learn more about ransomware? These articles will help you learn more about ransomware. Phishing attacks

An attack phishing occurs when a person tries to trick their target by sending a fake email, text message (called


or “smishing”) or phone call. Social engineering messages are sent out that appear to come from an official source (such as a bank, colleague, or third-party provider). ), but the imposter is actually trying to extract sensitive info from the recipient.

Some criminals do not ask for info directly. A hacker might try to get the victim to click on a link or open an email-attached file that:

Downloads and installs malware on the device.

Leads to a phishing website (typically a fake login page) that steals data if you type in credentials. Phishing is among the most popular types of cyber attacks. Simple to pull off and highly reliable, recent reports reveal that phishing tactics were a part of 36% of data breaches in 2021. Many phishing attacks go after as many targets as possible, but some focus on a specific team or person. Let’s take a closer look at these more targeted tactics.

Spear Phishing Attacks

  • Spear phishing goes after a specific individual. If criminals decide to use an email, they have two options:
  • Hack someone’s account and reach out to the target from a real account.

Use email spoofing to create a new address that is almost identical to the email they are trying to impersonate. If criminals decide to use an email, they have two choices:

Hack someone’s email and reach out to the target from a real account. Use email spoofing

to make a new address that is almost identical to the email they’re trying to impersonate.

  • Hackers usually time spear-phishing emails to make a more compelling message. For example, a criminal may wait for the target to go away on a business trip or make a new hire, and create a strategy centered around those unique circumstances.

Angler Phishing Attacks

An Angler attack happens when a phishing imposter targets someone on social media and attempts to steal their credentials outside a corporate network. This relatively new phishing technique has been very successful in recent years because there are no firewall rules and custom IDSes that can stop spam. People also tend to be more off guard on social media than when viewing a message on an official email address.

Whaling Attacks

Whale phishing happens when an attacker goes after a high-profile employee, such as the CEO, COO, or CFO. The idea is to target someone who has the authorization to make major money transfers.

While harder to pull off than trying to trick a lower-ranking employee, whale phishing is the most profitable form of phishing. Profits often reach millions of dollars, so C-level executives must always be on guard for such tactics.

Phishing is a typical first step to CEO fraud. This scam is now worth $26 billion a year. Check out our article about CEO fraud to learn how you can combat this threat.

Password Attacks

Passwords are the most common method of authenticating users when accessing a computer system, which makes them a go-to target for cyber attacks. Stealing someone’s credentials enables a hacker to gain entry to data and systems without having to fight through cybersecurity measures.Recent studies reveal that 20% of data breaches start with a compromised credential. Criminals rely on a variety of methods to get their hands on an individual’s passphrase, including using:

Social engineering.

Hacking a password database or a company’s password management platform.

Spying on an unencrypted network transmission.Guessing the password (usually with a bot).Paying one of the employees to share their password.

Let’s explore the most common password-based types of cyber attacks.

Brute-Force Attack

A brute-force attack relies on a program that systematically goes through all the possible combinations of characters to guess a password. The simpler the password, the faster the program can crack it. Here are the most popular programs attackers rely on to brute-force a passphrase:

  • Aircrack.
  • Cain.
  • Abel.
  • John the Ripper.
  • Hashcat.

Hackers often use basic info about the target to narrow the guessing process, “feeding” the bot with personal data (such as job titles, school names, birthdays, family and pet names, etc.). The program then tests combinations of that data to speed up the deciphering process.

Preventing a brute-force attack does not boil down to using unique passwords. A top-tier program can crack a seven-character passcode in less than 30 seconds. Using lengthy, alphanumerical passwords is the most reliable way of preventing brute-force attacks.

Dictionary Attack

A dictionary attack is a strategy in which a hacker uses a list of common passphrases to gain access to the target’s computer or network. Most hackers purchase previously cracked passwords in a bundle on the Dark Web, but some dictionary attacks rely solely on common words and phrases.

Password Spraying

Password spraying is a strategy in which a hacker attempts to use the same password across as many accounts as possible. For example, a bot might crawl across the Internet and try to log into every profile with a “password1” credential.

While not too reliable a tactic at first glance, spraying takes on a new light when you consider over 3.5 million U.S. citizens use “123456” as a password.

Our guide to strong passwords explains a multitude of simple ways to create passwords that are easy to remember and impossible to crack.4. Man-in the-Middle attacksA hacker can intercept data in transit between two network points. The attacker hijacks a session between the client and the host to allow them to view or modify data. A more common name for the MitM is an eavesdropping attack.The main problem with MitM attacks is that this breach is very challenging to detect. The victim thinks the info is traveling to a legitimate destination (which it does), but there are often no indications that data made a “pitstop” along the way.

There are two common points of entry for a MitM attack:

Unsecured public Wi-Fi that does not have sufficient network security.

Pre-installed malware that works in the background of the sender’s or the recipient’s system (or the network as a whole). For example, let’s say you’re using the Wi-Fi at a local coffee shop and decide to check your bank account balance. Hackers intercept data sent to the bank’s servers and steal your username and password. Want to know more about MitM? In our article on man in the middle attacks, we cover everything that your security team should know about this technique.

SQL Injection Attacks

An SQL Injection allows a hacker “trick” the website to reveal information stored in its SQL database. This includes login data, passwords and account details. Injections are more complex than a brute-force or phishing attack, but even novice hackers can pull them off. An attacker enters predefined SQL commands in a data entry box (such a login field). Once injected, commands exploit a weakness in database design and can:

  • Read sensitive data.
  • Modify or permanently delete stored files.
  • Trigger executive functions (like causing a system shutdown or changing user permissions). Our article on SQL Injections describes how these attacks are carried out and the best ways to avoid them. DoS and DDoS Attacks
  • Denial of Service (DOS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) are cyber attacks that aim to overwhelm a system, server, or network with fake requests. The attackers spam the target until they exhaust all resources or bandwidth, rendering the system unable to fulfill legitimate requests.
  • Here’s the difference between DOS and DDoS:

A DOS occurs when a hacker uses false requests or traffic to overwhelm a system until it fails or goes down.

A DDoS is the same type of attack, except the hacker relies on multiple malware-infected devices to crash the system with more speed. IoT devices have been a popular choice of hackers when building “bot armies”. “The most common types of DoS and DDoS attacks are:

  • Teardrop attack.
  • Smurf attack.
  • Botnets.
  • The TCP SYN flood attack.

Ping-of-death attack.

The goal of DOS and DDoS is not to steal data but to slow down operations. Sometimes, a hacker uses a DDoS attack to distract the security team and create a window of opportunity to perform other malicious activities.

Learn about the most effective methods of preventing DDoS attacks and see how the pros ensure hackers cannot overwhelm a system with illegitimate requests.

The Advanced Persistent threat (APT)

  • An advanced persistent threat is a cyberattack in which the intruder remains in a system for a prolonged period of time without the victim knowing. The goal of these attacks varies, but the most common objectives are to:
  • Steal large amounts of business data.

Establish a source of corporate espionage.

  • Sabotage infrastructure.
  • Cause a long-term service outage.
  • Perform a total website or app takeover.
  • An APT is more complex than other types of cyber attacks. The criminals will often create a team of full-time employees to stay on the system for months. Our Zero The Companies must be wary of zero-day vulnerabilities whenever they update apps or services, so invest in proactive flaw detection and agile threat management.
  • Learn more about zero-day exploits and see the most effective ways your company should plan for these kinds of vulnerabilities.

Water Once Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking is a cyber attack that enables a hacker to secretly use a computer’s processing power to mine for cryptocurrencies (most commonly Bitcoin or Ethereum). Most infections occur when the target:

Visits an infected website.

  • Opens a malicious link.
  • Clicks on a malware-infected ad.
  • Cryptojacking severely slows down the system, but it also causes other vulnerabilities. The malicious program often tempers with firewall settings, which creates more space for other threats.
  • Cases of cryptojacking nearly quadrupled from 2020 to 2021. Recent URL Manipulation
  • URL manipulation (or URL rewriting) happens when an attacker changes the parameters in a URL address to redirect the victim to a different website. The When Hack DNS-Based Attacks
  • Domain Name System (DNS) protocol often has exploits that enable a hacker to attempt a cyber attack. Let us look at the two most common ones:

DNS tunneling and spoofing.

DNS TunnelingDNS tunneling uses the protocol to tunnel malware and data through a client-server model while bypassing the firewall and other security measures. Once a malicious program enters the system, it latches onto the server and gives the hacker remote access.Inbound DNS traffic carries commands to the malware, while outbound traffic enables a hacker to steal data or respond to malware requests (change code, install new access points, etc. ).

DNS Spoofing (or “Poisoning”)

DNS spoofing enables an attacker to send traffic to a fake (or “spoofed”) website and gather data from unwitting visitors. These websites are an identical replica of the legitimate site (typically a copy of a login page for a bank or a social media account) that send info directly to hackers once you type in the credentials.

Hackers also use DNS spoofing to sabotage a business by redirecting visitors to a poor-quality page, often with mature or obscene content. Some companies use this tactic as an underhanded method of taking cheap shots at a competitor’s reputation.

Cross Hack Hack Rootkits

Rootkits are malicious programs that give an intruder unauthorized admin-level access to a computer or other software.

  • A Remotely access the target computer.
  • Edit system files and data.
  • Install keyloggers and other malware.
  • Exfiltrate data without the victim knowing about the breach.
  • Rootkits are notoriously hard to detect as they “hide” deep within the operating system. The The Session Hijacking
  • Session hijacking is an advanced form of a MITM attack in which an imposter takes over a session between a client and the server instead of only spying on the communication. Once In In actuality, an insider could do just as much if not more damage than a third-party hacker–learn how to prepare for insider threats and see how smart companies deal with dangers from within the organization.

How to Prevent Cyber Attacks?

  • Let’s look at the most effective ways to prevent the different types of cyber attacks discussed above:
  • Use strong, alphanumeric passwords that are unique for every account.
  • Change passwords every few weeks.

Do not include everyday phrases, personal info, or simple number sequences in credentials.Disable password hints on your apps and websites.Keep all apps, browsers, OSes, and devices up to date with the latest patches.

Cyber attack statistics

Rely on an anti-virus protection tool for threat detection.

Boost network security with strict access controls, firewalls, segmentation rules, traffic analysis, and instruction prevention systems (IPS). Perform regular network security audits. Never click on links or attachments in an email from an unknown sender. Scrutinize emails for loopholes and grammatical errors, especially when confronted with an unsolicited message. Use VPN when accessing the corporate network outside of the office.

  • Stay clear of public Wi-Fi networks.
  • Perform daily data backups.
  • Organize regular employee awareness training.
  • Use account lockout and two-factor authentication to prevent password attacks.
  • Ensure employees know how to keep their BYOD devices safe.
  • Never download or install anything unless you’re interacting with a verified source.
  • Enforce zero-trust security policies.
  • Keep data safe with at-rest encryption, in-transit encryption, and confidential computing (protecting data during processing). Use ).
  • Form a Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) that prepares response strategies, disaster recovery, and cyber kill chains.
  • Limit the info your company shares on its official website and social media.
  • Use an ad blocker when browsing the Internet.
  • Create a cloud security policy to ensure your use of cloud computing does not lead to weaknesses.
  • Organize penetration tests to see how systems and staff respond to realistic simulations of different types of cyber attacks.
  • Do you rely on in-house hosting?

About The Author

By omurix

XIII. Unidentified Society

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